Stack the Flags 2020
A local Singaporean CTF hosted by GovTech, where we managed to place 3rd under the name ItzyBitzySpider. I participated in this CTF with my regular teammates in the JC category, @jloh02, @OceanKoh, @NyxTo. Many of the writeups below were written by them, so credits to them.
Challenge Writeups
An invitation [981]
Unlock Me [905]
Can COViD steal Bob’s idea? [960]
Walking down a colourful memory lane [992]
Voices in the head [1692]
A to Z of COViD! [1986]
Internet of Things (IoT)
COVID’s Communication Technology! [984]
I smell updates! [1986]
Find the leaking bucket! [978]
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Only time will tell! [691]
Sounds of freedom! [750]
What is he working on? Some high value project? [790]
Hunt him down! [970]
Who are the possible kidnappers? [1990]
Social Engineering
Can you trick OrgX into giving away their credentials? [2000]