Grey Cat The Flag Qualifiers 2022

9 minute read

This CTF was the qualifying round for Grey Cat The Flag 2022, hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS). Under the name ItzyBitzySpider, I participated with my regular teammates @OceanKoh and @NyxTo. We managed to place 10th, which was just enough to qualify for the finals.



Runtime Environment 1

GO and try to solve this basic challenge.

FAQ: If you found the input leading to the challenge.txt you are on the right track

Challenge Files


Upon unzipping gogogo.tar.gz, we are provided with a challenge binary and a text file.

$ tar xvzf gogogo.tar.gz

binary is a 64-bit ELF, while challenge.txt seems to contain some encoded text, which we can assume is output from binary:

$ file binary
binary: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=OHBJFJh5S4MEkda8Q683/cMydJq6y9QbVjBCjK1KP/8R1f9ddSl9EfpM8KP2Dy/3G9-Ju3BW7WUsgoGNyvl, not stripped

$ cat challenge.txt

When provided with a ELF binary for reversing challenges, I like to run it a few times to get a general idea of what it does:

$ ./binary
$ ./binary
$ ./binary

From the output, we can observe a few things:

  1. binary seems to take in plaintext as input and output an encoded text
  2. The encoded output looks oddly similar to Base64 encoding

Especially since the binary is written in go, which might be harder to reverse, I thought that there was no harm in reading up on Base64 before attempting to reverse the binary. From this website, we can see that the Base64 algorithm is as follows:

  1. Divide the input byte stream into blocks of 3 bytes.

  2. Divide 24 bits of each 3-byte block into 4 groups of 6 bits.

  3. Map each group of 6 bits to 1 printable character, based on the 6-bit value using the Base64 character set map.

  4. If the last 3-byte block has only 1 byte of input data, pad 2 bytes of zeros \x00\x00. After encoding it as a normal block, overwrite the last 2 characters with 2 equal signs ==, so the decoding process knows 2 bytes of zero were padded.

  5. If the last 3-byte block has only 2 bytes of input data, pad 1 byte of zero \x00. After encoding it as a normal block, overwrite the last 1 character with 1 equal sign =, so the decoding process knows 1 byte of zero was padded.

Essentially, the input is divided into blocks of 3 characters and converted to binary (24 bits). Then, every 6 bits is converted into a new Base64 character, resulting in 4 bytes of encrypted text. If the last block has less than 3 characters, it is encoded to Base64 and then padded with = to become 4 bytes.

Now that we have a rough understanding of how Base64 works, we can attempt to reverse the binary. The main_main() function of the decompiled code is shown:

void __cdecl main_main()
  v9 = runtime_newobject(&unk_4AB9C0);
  v11[0] = &unk_4A86A0;
  v11[1] = v9;
  v1 = fmt_Fscanln(&go_itab__os_File_io_Reader, os_Stdin, v11);
  enc_len = 4 * ((((((v9[1] + 2) * 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABLL) >> 64) + v9[1] + 2) >> 1) - ((v9[1] + 2) >> 63));
  runtime_makeslice(qword_4ABB00, enc_len, enc_len);
  v8 = v1;
  runtime_stringtoslicebyte(v7, *v9, v9[1]);
  main_Encode(v8, enc_len, enc_len, v1, 1uLL);
  runtime_slicebytetostring(0LL, v4, v5);
  runtime_convTstring(v2, v3);
  v10[0] = &unk_4AB9C0;
  v10[1] = v0;
  fmt_Fprintln(&go_itab__os_File_io_Writer, os_Stdout, v10, 1LL, 1LL);

Although the decompilation seems quite messy, we can infer that the binary:

  1. Reads in user input using fmt_Fscanln()
  2. Passes the input to main_Encode() for encryption
  3. Outputs the encrypted text using fmt_Fprintln()

Thus, we look at the main_Encode() function to figure out how input is encrypted:

// Note: I have cleaned up the code and removed error checking to make the decompilation more readeable
__int64 __usercall main_Encode@<rax>(
    char *buf,
    unsigned __int64 enc_len,
    __int64 ret,
    char *input,
    unsigned __int64 input_len)
  // Copy the string into key, which will be used for the character set
  // NOTE: Notice how key has 64 characters, which suggests this is a Base64 character set
  qmemcpy(key, "NaRvJT1B/m6AOXL9VDFIbUGkC+sSnzh5jxQ273d4lHPg0wcEpYqruWyfZoM8itKe", sizeof(key));

  // Declare indexes for input and buf
  // input - input buffer
  // buf - buffer that contains encoded text
  input_i = 0LL;
  buf_i = 0LL;

  // Loop while index of input is less than length of input rounded down to nearest 3
  while ( input_i < 3 * (input_len / 3) ) {
    // Convert 3 bytes from input into binary      
    binary = (input[input_i] << 16) | (input[input_i + 1] << 8) | input[input_i + 2];

    // Convert every 6 bits into an integer, and use it as an index to fetch a character in key
    // Then, store the character in buf as the encoded text
    buf[buf_i] = key[(binary >> 18) & 0x3F];
    buf[buf_i + 1] = key[(binary >> 12) & 0x3F];
    buf[buf_i + 2] = key[(binary >> 6) & 0x3F];
    buf[buf_i + 3] = key[binary & 0x3F];

    // Increment input and buf indexes
    input_i += 3LL;
    buf_i += 4LL;
  // If there is no input left to encode, return the encoded output
  if ( input_len == input_i )
    return ret;

  // Get the remaining length of input that has not been encoded
  remainder = input_len - input_i;

  if ( remainder == 2 ) {
    // If 2 bytes remaining, convert the last 2 characters into binary
    binary = (in[input_i] << 16) | (in[input_i + 1] << 8);
  } else {
    // If 1 byte remaining, convert the last character into binary
    binary = in[input_i] << 16;
  // Convert every 6 bits into an integer, and use it as an index to fetch a character in key
  // Then, store the character in buf as the encoded text 
  buf[buf_i] = key[(binary >> 18) & 0x3F];
  buf[buf_i + 1] = key[(binary >> 12) & 0x3F];

  if ( remainder == 1 ) {
    // If 1 byte remaining, append "--" to the encoded text
    buf[buf_i + 2] = '-';
    buf[buf_i + 3] = '-';
  } else if ( remainder == 2 ) {
    // If 2 bytes remaining, convert the last 6 bits and fetch another character from key
    // Store it in the 2nd last position in buf
    buf[buf_i + 2] = key[(binary >> 6) & 0x3F];

    // Append "-" to the last position in buf
    buf[buf_i + 3] = '-';
  // Return the encoded output
  return ret;

As seen from the decompiled code, main_Encode() is very similar to Base64, with the only differences being:

  • NaRvJT1B/m6AOXL9VDFIbUGkC+sSnzh5jxQ273d4lHPg0wcEpYqruWyfZoM8itKe is used as the character set instead of the standard ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  • - is used for padding instead of =

With this knowledge, we can decrypt the encoded text in challenge.txt using CyberChef with a custom Base64 character set. After 4 rounds of decryption, the flag is given as output.

Flag: grey{B4s3d_G0Ph3r_r333333}

Memory Game (Part 2)

Can you finish MASTER difficulty in 20 seconds? If you can, the flag will be given to you through logcat with the tag FLAG.

Hint: Frida is nice.

Challenge Files


We are provided with memory-game.apk, which is a memory card game with multiple difficulty levels, as shown below:

alt alt

From the challenge description, we know that to get the flag through logcat, that the goal is to complete the Master difficulty within 20 seconds. Since this is impossible, we will have to find some way to bypass actually winning the game.

When looking through the decompilation with JEB Decompiler, this part of the code in Engine seems to handle printing of the flag:

int remainingCards = this.mToFlip - 2;
this.mToFlip = remainingCards;
if(remainingCards == 0) {
    int usedTime = (int)(Clock.getInstance().getPassedTime() / 1000L);
    int timeLimit = this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.time;
    GameState v3 = new GameState();
    this.mPlayingGame.gameState = v3;
    v3.remainedSeconds = timeLimit - usedTime;
    v3.passedSeconds = usedTime;
    if(usedTime <= timeLimit / 2) {
        v3.achievedStars = 3;
    else if(usedTime <= timeLimit - timeLimit / 5) {
        v3.achievedStars = 2;
    else if(usedTime < timeLimit) {
        v3.achievedStars = 1;
    else {
        v3.achievedStars = 0;

    v3.achievedScore = this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.difficulty * v3.remainedSeconds *;, this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.difficulty, v3.achievedStars);
    Memory.saveTime(, this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.difficulty, v3.passedSeconds);
    Shared.eventBus.notify(new GameWonEvent(v3), 1200L);
    if(this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.difficulty == 6 && usedTime < timeLimit) {
        SecretKeySpec v12_3 = null;
        try {
            v2_1 = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
        } catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchPaddingException v3_1) {
            v2_1 = null;
            goto label_111;

        try {
            v3_2 = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
            goto label_115;
        } catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException v3_1) {} catch(NoSuchPaddingException v3_1) {}

        v3_2 = null;
        byte[] v6 = new byte[16];
        int v7;
        for(v7 = 0; v7 < 16; ++v7) {
            v6[v7] = (byte)Rnd.get(0x100);

        PBEKeySpec v7_1 = new PBEKeySpec("1.01.001007".toCharArray(), v6, 0x10000, 0x100);
        try {
            v6_1 = new SecretKeySpec(v2_1.generateSecret(v7_1).getEncoded(), "AES");
        } catch(InvalidKeySpecException v2_2) {
            goto label_142;

        v12_3 = v6_1;
        byte[] v2_3 = new byte[16];
        int v6_2;
        for(v6_2 = 0; v6_2 < 16; ++v6_2) {
            v2_3[v6_2] = (byte)Rnd.get(0x100);

        IvParameterSpec v4 = new IvParameterSpec(v2_3);
        try {
            v3_2.init(2, v12_3, v4);
        } catch(InvalidAlgorithmParameterException v12_5) {
        } catch(InvalidKeyException v12_4) {

        try {
            Log.i("FLAG", new String(v3_2.doFinal(Base64.decode("diDrBf4+uZMtDV+0k/3BCGM4xyTpEyGEuUFYegIaSjQyQcgfIfZRbvGQ9hHMqnuflNCKv4HW/NXq93j4QqLc/Q==", 0)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        } catch(BadPaddingException v12_7) {
        } catch(IllegalBlockSizeException v12_6) {

From the chunk of code above, we can infer that the flag will be printed out should these conditions be met:

  1. The number of remaining cards has to be 0.
    int remainingCards = this.mToFlip - 2;
    this.mToFlip = remainingCards;
    if(remainingCards == 0) {
  2. The difficulty has to be 6 (which can be assumed as Master), and usedTime has to be less than timeLimit, which is 20 seconds.
    int usedTime = (int)(Clock.getInstance().getPassedTime() / 1000L);
    int timeLimit = this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.time;
    if(this.mPlayingGame.boardConfiguration.difficulty == 6 && usedTime < timeLimit) {

Although the hint suggested using Frida, I decided to go with patching instead. The idea is to patch remainingCards == 0 into remainingCards != 0. This way, we would win the game whenever we match a pair of cards, as there is no check to ensure there are no cards left to flip.

We use apktool to decompile the APK and retrieve the smali code:

apktool d memory-game.apk

In Engine.smali, we see that our check corresponds to lines 425 - 433:

iget p1, p0, Lcom/snatik/matches/engine/Engine;->mToFlip:I  // Move Engine->mToFlip into p1

const/4 v0, 0x2  // Set v0 to 0x2

sub-int/2addr p1, v0  // Subtract 0x2 from p1

iput p1, p0, Lcom/snatik/matches/engine/Engine;->mToFlip:I  // This line is irrelevant

if-nez p1, :cond_7  // Jump to :cond_7 if p1 != 0, which is the end of the function

We simply flip the check by changing if-nez to if-eqz:

if-eqz p1, :cond_7  // Jump to :cond_7 if p1 == 0, which is the end of the function

We recompile the APK using these commands:

# Create a keystore
keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore key.keystore -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

# Recompile the apk, the resulting apk should be in memory-game/dist/
apktool b memory-game --use-aapt2 

# Align and sign the apk
zipalign -p -f -v 4 memory-game.apk align.apk
apksigner sign -ks key.keystore --out patched.apk align.apk

After installing patched.apk, we play the Master difficulty and match one pair of cards under 20 seconds. Then, we use adb to retrieve the flag from logcat:

$ adb logcat | grep FLAG
06-11 00:00:08.597  4771  4771 I FLAG    : grey{hum4n_m3m0ry_i5_4lw4y5_b3tt3r_th4n_r4nd0m_4cc3ss_m3m0ry}

Flag: grey{hum4n_m3m0ry_i5_4lw4y5_b3tt3r_th4n_r4nd0m_4cc3ss_m3m0ry}

